How to integrate the Bing Maps with SharePoint 2010?

I have created a custom web part for SharePoint and using the Bing Map powerful API done the integration.

1) Firstly, I have open the visual studio 2010 and selected the “Visual web part” project and named it as a GPS viewer web part.

2) Created a new CBingMaps.js file to call load the Map with several properties :-

  2. function CBingMaps(name)
  3. {
  4. = name;
  5. = new VEMap(;
  6.         this.dataLayer = new VEShapeLayer();
  7.         this.staticMap = false;
  8.         CBingMaps.prototype.GetMap = function (Longitutue, Latitute, fixed, location, Zoom, mode, mapStyle) {
  9.             //Dispose the map if it was previously loaded.            
  10.             if ( != null) {
  11.                 //;
  12.             }
  14.             //DashBoard();
  15.             var Longitutue = Longitutue;
  16.             var Latitute = Latitute;
  17.             //VEMap.LoadMap(VELatLong, zoom, style, fixed, mode, showSwitch, tileBuffer, mapOptions);
  18.             var fixed = fixed;
  19.             var location = location;
  21.             if (Longitutue != 0 && Latitute != 0) {
  22.                 var latLong = new VELatLong(Longitutue, Latitute);
  23.                 if (latLong != null) {
  24.                     if (fixed.toLowerCase() == false) {
  25.               , Zoom, 'h', false);
  26.                     }
  27.                     else {
  29.               , 4, 'h', true);
  30.                         setZoomLevel(Zoom);
  31.                     }
  33.                 }
  34.             }
  35.             else if (location != null) {
  36.                 if ( != null) {
  37.           ;
  38.                 }
  39.        = new VEMap(;
  40.                 this.dataLayer = new VEShapeLayer();
  41.       ;
  42.                 var veLayerSpec = new VEShapeSourceSpecification(VEDataType.VECollection, location, this.dataLayer);
  43.       ;
  44.             }
  45.             else {
  46.       ;
  47.             }
  49.             //map.setCredentials("AipIzr5QKQBNJhb1yF_ex5CFZQSKh1eeUq9OQi3MiF8kTYeER9lUQ5rsZw6xlymU");
  51.             this.ChangeMapStyle(mapStyle);
  52.             this.setMapMode(mode);
  54.         }
  57.         CBingMaps.prototype.DashBoard = function (properties) {
  58.             var prop = properties;
  59.             //var lDashBoradStaus = '<%= DashBoard.ToString() %>';
  60.             if (properties.On == true) {
  61.       ;
  62.             }
  63.             else {
  64.       ;
  65.             }
  66.         }
  68.         CBingMaps.prototype.setZoomLevel = function (properties) {
  69.             var zoomlevel = properties;
  70.             //var zoomlevel = <%= Zoom %>;
  71.             zoomlevel = zoomlevel + 1;
  72.   ;
  73.         }
  75.         CBingMaps.prototype.setMapMode = function (properties) {
  76.             var mode = properties;
  77.             if (properties.CommandValueId != null) {
  78.                 mode = properties.CommandValueId;
  79.             }
  80.             if (mode.toString().toUpperCase() == "MODE2D") {
  81.       ;
  82.             }
  83.             else if (mode.toString().toUpperCase() == "MODE3D") {
  84.       ;
  85.             }
  86.         }
  88.         CBingMaps.prototype.ChangeMapStyle = function (properties) {
  89.             var s = properties;
  90.             if (properties.CommandValueId != null) {
  91.                 s = properties.CommandValueId;
  92.             }
  93.             if (s == "Road") {
  94.       ;
  95.             }
  96.             else if (s == "Shaded") {
  97.       ;
  98.             }
  99.             else if (s == "Aerial") {
  100.       ;
  101.             }
  102.             else if (s == "Hybrid") {
  103.       ;
  104.             }
  105.             else if (s == "Oblique") {
  106.       ;
  107.             }
  108.             else if (s == "Birdseye") {
  109.       ;
  110.             }
  111.             else if (s == "BirdseyeHybrid") {
  112.       ;
  113.             }
  114.             else {
  115.                 alert("ChangeMapStyle");
  116.             }
  118.         }  
  119. }

3) Loaded the Bing Map based upon it’s Longitude and Latitude on user control.ascx file.

  1. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  2. <script src="http://nmadan/_layouts/CBingMaps.js&quot; type="text/javascript"></script>
  3. <script src="http://nmadan/_layouts/CGoogleMaps.js&quot; type="text/javascript"></script>
  4. <script type="text/javascript">
  6.     function addLoadEvent(func) {
  7.         var oldonload = window.onload;
  8.         if (typeof window.onload != 'function')
  9.         { window.onload = func; }
  10.         else {
  11.             window.onload = function ()
  12.             { oldonload(); func(); }
  13.         }
  14.     }
  16.     //addLoadEvent(GetMap);
  17. var bingMaps = null;
  18. var cGoogleMap =null;
  19. function loadBingMap()
  20. {
  21.      bingMaps = new CBingMaps('myMap');
  22.      var longitutue = <%= Longitute %>;
  23.      var latitute = <%= Latitute %>;
  24.      var fixed = '<%= Fixed.ToString() %>';
  25.      var location = '<%= Location.ToString() %>';
  26.      var mapStyle = '<%=MapStyle.ToString() %>';
  27.      var dashBorad = '<%= DashBoard.ToString() %>';
  28.      var zoom = <%= Zoom %>;
  29.      var mode = '<%= Mode.ToString() %>';
  30.      bingMaps.GetMap(longitutue, latitute, fixed, location, zoom, mode, mapStyle);
  31. }
  32. SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(loadBingMap, "CBingMaps.js");
  33. addLoadEvent(loadBingMap);
  34. </script>
  35. <div id='myMap' style="position: relative; width: 600px; height: 400px;"></div>

4) Created the properties to configure the following feature :-

Ø We can easily get the desired location by providing the Longitude and Latitude.

Ø We can show multiple locations in the map by providing the Cid number. Process to generate the Cid number will be provided in detail further.

Ø We can do Zoom Out to reach deep inside the map or vice-versa.

Ø We can configure the map style from web part properties i.e. Map Properties to Road, Birdseye, Araiel etc.

Ø We can configure the mode of the map i.e. 2D or 3D.

Ø We can configure the visibility of Dashboard (A control which is used to change the map settings though UI.) to true/false.

Ø We can configure the map should be fixed and cannot be modified by the end user.

Either we can configure them as a web part properties or Ribbon. Following is sample to configure as a web part properties :-


All the features has been implemented by web part properties. A new group has been created i.e. Map Properties to configure the map.

1. Longitude & Latitude :- There are two text boxes in which we need to provide the longitude and latitude of the location. For e.g.Banglore Longitude is 13.004558 and latitude is 77.651367. following are the steps to get the two axis :-

1. Go to Windows Live Local.

2. Sign in to your account, or create one if you don’t already have one.

3. Create a collection of shapes on your scratch pad.

4. Save the collection, providing a title and description. Make sure that you select the option to make the collection public. Once you have your collection saved, select the Share option and then the Copy to link to clipboard option. The clipboard should then contain a link similar to!281&encType=1. This link Please copy the cp from the query string i.e. 12.811801~80.595703. Value before ~ is Longitude and later is Latitude.

  1. Map Provider :- It’s not implemented but will be coming soon in next version
  2. Location Cid: – Providing Cid is better if you would like to show multiple locations. You have to follow the same steps as you have followed in first point. This time you need to copy the cid from query string i.e. E60BB9C18B08E70A!281 . When you are working with cid, please provide the longitude and latitude to 0 else cid will not work.
    Cid is collection of location and it’s implanted as a separate layer in this web part. Here are code details :-

map = new VEMap(‘myMap’);
var layer = new VEShapeLayer();
var veLayerSpec = new VEShapeSourceSpecification(VEDataType.VECollection,”98C746DDDC3FE6CA!104″, layer);

4. Map Styles: – Bing map provide 7 (Road, shaded, Aerial, Hybrid, Oblique, Birdseye, and BirdeyeHybrid) map style through VEMapStyle API. You can’t get all these styles in 3D maps.

  1. Map Mode: – You can see the Bing maps in two i.e. 2D and 3D. To access the 3D maps you need to install a executable from .
  2. Zoom :- You can select the zoom between 1 to Nineteen.
  3. Fixed Map: – if you don’t want to move inside the map and don’t want end use to zoomIn or Zoom out, then you fixed the map by selecting the “Fixed the map” checkbox or vice-versa.

DashBoard :- Following blue color control called dashboard in the Bing Maps. If you don’t want to show the dashboard just unselect the “DashBoard” checkbox or vice-versa.


Web part propertires
  1. #region Longitute
  2.      private double longitute = 0;
  3.      private const double c_longitute = 0;
  5.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  6.      System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("Longitute"),
  7.      System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("Enter the Longitude"),
  8.      System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  9.      System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  10.      System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  11.      System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(c_longitute)]
  13.      public double Longitute
  14.      {
  15.          get
  16.          {
  17.              return longitute;
  18.          }
  19.          set
  20.          {
  21.              longitute = value;
  22.          }
  23.      }
  24.      #endregion
  26.      #region Latitute
  27.      private double latitute = 0;
  28.      private const double c_latitute = 0;
  30.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  31.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("Latitute"),
  32.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("Enter the Latitude."),
  33.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  34.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  35.     System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  36.     System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(c_latitute)]
  38.      public double Latitute
  39.      {
  40.          get
  41.          {
  42.              return latitute;
  43.          }
  44.          set
  45.          {
  46.              latitute = value;
  47.          }
  48.      }
  49.      #endregion
  51.      #region MapProvider
  53.      public enum MyMapProvider
  54.      {
  55.          Bing = 0,
  56.          Google = 1,
  57.          Both = 2
  58.      }
  59.      protected MyMapProvider mapProvider;
  62.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  63.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("Map Provider"),
  64.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("Select the Map Provide."),
  65.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  66.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  67.     System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  68.     System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(MyMapProvider.Bing)]
  70.      public MyMapProvider MapProvider
  71.      {
  72.          get
  73.          {
  74.              return mapProvider;
  75.          }
  76.          set
  77.          {
  78.              mapProvider = value;
  79.          }
  80.      }
  81.      #endregion
  83.      #region Location
  84.      private string location;
  86.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  87.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("Location Cid."),
  88.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("Enter the location cid from the Bing Maps."),
  89.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  90.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  91.     System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  92.     System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("E60BB9C18B08E70A!281"),
  93.     XmlElement(typeof(string))]
  94.      public string Location
  95.      {
  96.          get
  97.          {
  98.              return location;
  99.          }
  100.          set
  101.          {
  102.              location = value;
  103.          }
  104.      }
  105.      #endregion
  107.      #region Map Styles
  108.      public enum MapStyles {Road = 0, Shaded, Aerial, Hybrid, Oblique, Birdseye, BirdseyeHybrid};
  110.      protected MapStyles mapstyle;
  111.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  112.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("Map Style"),
  113.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("Select any type of map style like Road, Shaded, Hybrid etc"),
  114.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  115.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  116.     System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  117.     System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(MapStyles.Road)]
  118.      public MapStyles MapStyle
  119.      {
  120.          get
  121.          {
  122.              return mapstyle;
  123.          }
  124.          set
  125.          {
  126.              mapstyle = value;
  127.          }
  128.      }
  129.      #endregion
  131.      #region Map Mode
  132.      public enum MapMode
  133.      {
  134.          Mode2D = 0,
  135.          Mode3D
  137.      };
  139.      protected MapMode mapMode;
  140.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  141.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("Map Mode"),
  142.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("Select any type of maps mode like 2D or 3D"),
  143.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  144.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  145.     System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  146.     System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(MapMode.Mode2D)]
  147.      public MapMode Mode
  148.      {
  149.          get
  150.          {
  151.              return mapMode;
  152.          }
  153.          set
  154.          {
  155.              mapMode = value;
  156.          }
  157.      }
  158.      #endregion
  160.      #region Zoom Level
  161.      public enum ZoomLevel
  162.      {   
  163.          One=0,
  164.          Two=1,
  165.          Three=2,
  166.          Four=3,
  167.          Five=4,
  168.          Six=5,
  169.          Seven=6,
  170.          Eight=7,
  171.          Nine=8,
  172.          Ten=9,
  173.          Eleven = 10,
  174.          Tweleve=11,
  175.          Thirteen = 12,
  176.          Fourteen = 13,
  177.          Fifteen= 14,
  178.          Sixteen = 15,
  179.          Seventeen = 16,
  180.          Eighteen =17,
  181.          Nineteen= 18
  183.      };
  185.      protected ZoomLevel zoomLevel;
  186.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  187.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("Zoom"),
  188.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("Select the zoom of map between 1 to 19."),
  189.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  190.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  191.     System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  192.     System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(ZoomLevel.Four)]
  193.      public ZoomLevel Zoom
  194.      {
  195.          get
  196.          {
  197.              return zoomLevel;
  198.          }
  199.          set
  200.          {
  201.              zoomLevel = value;
  202.          }
  203.      }
  204.      #endregion
  206.      #region Fixed
  207.      private bool m_fixed = false;
  208.      private const bool c_fixed = false;
  210.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  211.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("Fixed the Map"),
  212.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("A Boolean value that specifies whether the map view is displayed as a fixed map that the user cannot change. Optional. Default is false."),
  213.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  214.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  215.     System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  216.     System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(false)]
  218.      public bool Fixed
  219.      {
  220.          get
  221.          {
  222.              return m_fixed;
  223.          }
  224.          set
  225.          {
  226.              m_fixed = value;
  227.          }
  228.      }
  229.      #endregion
  231.      #region DashBoard
  232.      private bool dashBoard = false;
  233.      private const bool c_DashBoard = false;
  235.      [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebBrowsable(true),
  236.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDisplayName("DashBoard"),
  237.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebDescription("Would you like to see the DashBoard?"),
  238.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Personalizable(
  239.     System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared),
  240.     System.ComponentModel.Category("Map Properties"),
  241.     System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("")]
  243.      public bool DashBoard
  244.      {
  245.          get
  246.          {
  247.              return dashBoard;
  248.          }
  249.          set
  250.          {
  251.              dashBoard = value;
  252.          }
  253.      }
  254.      #endregion

if you would like to show inside the Ribbon then you need to create a page component and add a contextual Ribbon control



  1. Type.registerNamespace('ContextualTabWebPart');
  4. var _webPartPageComponentId;
  5. ContextualTabWebPart.CustomPageComponent = function ContextualTabWebPart_CustomPageComponent(webPartPcId) {
  6.     this._webPartPageComponentId = webPartPcId;
  7.      ContextualTabWebPart.CustomPageComponent.initializeBase(this);
  8. }
  11. ContextualTabWebPart.CustomPageComponent.prototype = {
  14.     init: function ContextualTabWebPart_CustomPageComponent$init() { },
  16.     receiveFocus: function () {
  17.         return true;
  18.     },
  20.     yieldFocus: function () {
  21.         return true;
  22.     },
  24.     getFocusedCommands: function ContextualTabWebPart_CustomPageComponent$getFocusedCommands() {
  25.         return [];
  26.     },
  28.     getGlobalCommands: function ContextualTabWebPart_CustomPageComponent$getGlobalCommands() {
  29.         return ['GoogleTab.EnableMapType', 'CustomContextualTab.CIDLocation', 'CustomContextualTab.lblLongitude', 'CustomContextualTab.FixedMapCommand', 'CustomContextualTab.LoadMapCommand', 'GoogleTab.GoogleGroup', 'GoogleTab.EnableCustomTab', 'GoogleTab.LoadGoogleMapCommand', 'CustomContextualTab.EnableZoom', 'CustomContextualTab.Latitude', 'CustomContextualTab.Longitude', 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicZoomXml', 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicModeXml', 'CustomContextualTab.DoDynamicModeXml', 'CustomContextualTab.EnableMapMode', 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicMenuXml', 'CustomContextualTab.EnableMapStyle', 'CustomContextualTab.DashBoard', 'CustomContextualTab.EnableCustomTab', 'CustomContextualTab.EnableCustomGroup', 'CustomContextualTab.Longitude', 'CustomContextualTab.Latitude'];
  30.     },
  33.     isFocusable: function ContextualTabWebPart_CustomPageComponent$isFocusable() {
  34.         return true;
  35.     },
  37.     canHandleCommand: function ContextualTabWebPart_CustomPageComponent$canHandleCommand(commandId) {
  38.         //Contextual Tab commands
  39.         if ((commandId === 'GoogleTab.EnableMapType') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.CIDLocation') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.lblLongitude') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.FixedMapCommand') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.LoadMapCommand') || (commandId === 'GoogleTab.GoogleGroup') || (commandId === 'GoogleTab.EnableCustomTab') || (commandId === 'GoogleTab.LoadGoogleMapCommand') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.EnableZoom') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.Latitude') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.Longitude') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicZoomXml') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicModeXml') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.DoDynamicModeXml') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.EnableMapMode') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicMenuXml') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.EnableMapStyle') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.DashBoard') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.EnableCustomTab') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.EnableCustomGroup') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.Longitude') || (commandId === 'CustomContextualTab.Latitude')) {
  40.             return true;
  41.         }
  42.     },
  45.     handleCommand: function ContextualTabWebPart_CustomPageComponent$handleCommand(commandId, properties, sequence) {
  48.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.LoadMapCommand') {
  50.             var notificationId = SP.UI.Notify.addNotification('Loading the Bing Map.');
  52.             var googleMap = document.getElementById('GoogleMap');
  53.             googleMap.setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
  55.             var bingMap = document.getElementById('myMap');
  56.             bingMap.setAttribute("style", "position: relative; width: 600px; height: 400px;");
  58.             var longitutue = document.getElementById('Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Longitude').value;
  59.             var latitute = document.getElementById('Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Latitude').value;
  60.             var fixed = bingMaps.staticMap;
  61.             var location = document.getElementById('Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.CIDLocation').value;
  62.             var mapStyle = 'Aerial';
  63.             var zoom = 4;
  64.             var mode = 'Mode2D';
  65.             bingMaps.GetMap(longitutue, latitute, fixed, location, zoom, mode, mapStyle);
  67.         }
  68.         if (commandId == 'GoogleTab.LoadGoogleMapCommand') {
  69.             var notificationId = SP.UI.Notify.addNotification('Loading the Google Map.');
  71.             var googleMap = document.getElementById('GoogleMap');
  72.             googleMap.setAttribute("style", "position: relative; width: 600px; height: 400px;");
  73.             var bingMap = document.getElementById('myMap');
  74.             bingMap.setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
  75.             cGoogleMap = new CGoogleMaps();
  76.             cGoogleMap.GetMap('40.702147', '-74.015794', 'Brooklyn + Bridge, New + York, NY', '14', '512×512', "roadmap");
  78.         }
  79.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.CIDLocation') {
  80.         }
  81.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.Longitude') {
  82.         }
  83.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.Latitude') {
  84.         }
  85.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.DashBoard') {
  86.             bingMaps.DashBoard(properties);
  87.         }
  88.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.EnableMapStyle') {
  89.             bingMaps.ChangeMapStyle(properties);
  90.         }
  91.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicMenuXml') {
  92.             ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(Function.createDelegate(null, GetDynamicMenuXml), 'SP.js');
  93.             properties.PopulationXML = GetDynamicMenuXml();
  94.         }
  95.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.EnableMapMode') {
  96.             bingMaps.setMapMode(properties.SourceControlId.toString());
  97.         }
  98.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.DoDynamicModeXml') {
  99.             //bingMaps.setMapMode(properties);
  100.             loadCurrentModeList();
  101.         }
  102.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicModeXml') {
  103.             ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(Function.createDelegate(null, GetDynamicModeXml), 'SP.js');
  104.             properties.PopulationXML = GetDynamicModeXml();
  105.         }
  106.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.EnableZoom') {
  107.             bingMaps.setMapMode(properties.SourceControlId.toString());
  108.         }
  109.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicZoomXml') {
  110.             ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(Function.createDelegate(null, GetDynamicZoomXml), 'SP.js');
  111.             properties.PopulationXML = GetDynamicZoomXml();
  112.         }
  113.         if (commandId == 'CustomContextualTab.FixedMapCommand') {
  114.             alert(properties.CommandValueId);
  115.             if (properties.On == true) {
  116.                 bingMaps.staticMap = true;
  117.             }
  118.             else {
  119.                 bingMaps.staticMap = false;
  120.             }
  122.         }
  123.         if (commandId == 'GoogleTab.EnableMapType') {
  124.             alert('EnableMapType');
  125.         }
  126.         if (commandId == 'GoogleTab.GetDynamicGoogleMapTypeXml') {
  127.             ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(Function.createDelegate(null, GetDynamicZoomXml), 'SP.js');
  128.             properties.PopulationXML = GetDynamicGoogleMapTypeXml();
  129.         }
  131.     },
  133.     refreshRibbon: function () {
  134.         SP.Ribbon.PageManager.get_instance().get_commandDispatcher().executeCommand(Commands.CommandIds.ApplicationStateChanged);
  135.     },
  137.     getId: function ContextualTabWebPart_CustomPageComponent$getId() {
  138.         return this._webPartPageComponentId;
  139.     }
  140. }
  143. //Register classes
  144. //ContextualTabWebPart.CustomPageComponent.registerClass('ContextualTabWebPart.CustomPageComponent', CUI.Page.PageComponent);
  145. // Notify waiting jobs
  146. if (typeof (NotifyScriptLoadedAndExecuteWaitingJobs) != "undefined")
  147. NotifyScriptLoadedAndExecuteWaitingJobs("MapContextualTabPageComponent.js");
  149. function GetDynamicMenuXml() {
  150.     var dynamicMenuXml =
  151.     '<Menu Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.MapStyle.Menu">'
  152.     + '<MenuSection Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.MapStyle.Section" DisplayMode="Menu16">'
  153.     + '<Controls Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.MapStyle.Section.Controls">';
  154.     var mapStyle = new Array("Shaded", "Aerial", "Hybrid", "Oblique", "Birdseye", "BirdseyeHybrid");
  155.     for (i = 0; i < mapStyle.length; i++) {
  156.         var buttonXML = String.format(
  157.            '<Button Id="' + mapStyle[i].toString() + '" '
  158.            + 'Command="CustomContextualTab.EnableMapStyle" '
  159.            + 'CommandValueId ="' + mapStyle[i].toString() + '" '
  160.            + 'MenuItemId="{0}" '
  161.            + 'LabelText="'+ mapStyle[i].toString() +'" '
  162.            + 'ToolTipTitle="'+ mapStyle[i].toString() +'" '
  163.           + 'ToolTipDescription="' + mapStyle[i].toString() + '" />',
  164.            i);
  165.         dynamicMenuXml += buttonXML;
  166.     }
  167.     dynamicMenuXml += '</Controls>' + '</MenuSection>' + '</Menu>';
  168.     return dynamicMenuXml;
  169. }
  170. var mode = null;
  171. var querySucceded = false;
  173. function loadCurrentModeList() {
  174.     var mode = new Array("MODE2D", "MODE3D");
  175.     querySucceded = true;
  176. }
  177. function GetDynamicModeXml() {
  178.     var dynamicMenuXml =
  179.     '<Menu Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Mode.Menu">'
  180.     + '<MenuSection Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Mode.Section" DisplayMode="Menu16">'
  181.     + '<Controls Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Mode.Section.Controls">';
  182.     var mode = new Array("MODE2D", "MODE3D");
  183.     for (i = 0; i < mode.length; i++) {
  184.         var buttonXML = String.format(
  185.            '<Button Id="' + mode[i].toString() + '" '
  186.            + 'Command="CustomContextualTab.EnableMapMode" '
  187.            + 'CommandValueId ="' + mode[i].toString() + '" '
  188.            + 'MenuItemId="{0}" '
  189.            + 'LabelText="' + mode[i].toString() + '" '
  190.            + 'ToolTipTitle="' + mode[i].toString() + '" '
  191.           + 'ToolTipDescription="' + mode[i].toString() + '" />',
  192.            i);
  193.         dynamicMenuXml += buttonXML;
  194.     }
  195.     dynamicMenuXml += '</Controls>' + '</MenuSection>' + '</Menu>';
  196.     return dynamicMenuXml;
  197. }
  199. function GetDynamicZoomXml() {
  200.     var dynamicMenuXml =
  201.     '<Menu Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Mode.Menu">'
  202.     + '<MenuSection Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Mode.Section" DisplayMode="Menu16">'
  203.     + '<Controls Id="Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Mode.Section.Controls">';
  204.     var zoom = new Array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19");
  205.     for (i = 0; i < zoom.length; i++) {
  206.         var buttonXML = String.format(
  207.            '<Button Id="' + zoom[i].toString() + '" '
  208.            + 'Command="CustomContextualTab.EnableMapMode" '
  209.            + 'CommandValueId ="' + zoom[i].toString() + '" '
  210.            + 'MenuItemId="{0}" '
  211.            + 'LabelText="' + zoom[i].toString() + '" '
  212.            + 'ToolTipTitle="' + zoom[i].toString() + '" '
  213.           + 'ToolTipDescription="' + zoom[i].toString() + '" />',
  214.            i);
  215.         dynamicMenuXml += buttonXML;
  216.     }
  217.     dynamicMenuXml += '</Controls>' + '</MenuSection>' + '</Menu>';
  218.     return dynamicMenuXml;
  219. }
  222. //Google Map functions
  223. //==============================================
  224. function GetDynamicGoogleMapTypeXml() {
  225.     var dynamicMenuXml =
  226.     '<Menu Id="Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.EnableMapType.Menu">'
  227.     + '<MenuSection Id="Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.EnableMapType.Section" DisplayMode="Menu16">'
  228.     + '<Controls Id="Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.EnableMapType.Section.Controls">';
  229.     var mapStyle = new Array("roadmap", "Aerial");
  230.     for (i = 0; i < mapStyle.length; i++) {
  231.         var buttonXML = String.format(
  232.            '<Button Id="' + mapStyle[i].toString() + '" '
  233.            + 'Command="GoogleTab.EnableMapType" '
  234.            + 'CommandValueId ="' + mapStyle[i].toString() + '" '
  235.            + 'MenuItemId="{0}" '
  236.            + 'LabelText="' + mapStyle[i].toString() + '" '
  237.            + 'ToolTipTitle="' + mapStyle[i].toString() + '" '
  238.           + 'ToolTipDescription="' + mapStyle[i].toString() + '" />',
  239.            i);
  240.         dynamicMenuXml += buttonXML;
  241.     }
  242.     dynamicMenuXml += '</Controls>' + '</MenuSection>' + '</Menu>';
  243.     return dynamicMenuXml;
  244. }


Contextual Ribbon xml
  1.         private string contextualTab = @"
  2. <ContextualGroup Color=""Magenta""
  3.      Command=""CustomContextualTab.EnableContextualGroup""
  4.      Id=""Ribbon.CustomContextualTabGroup""
  5.      Title=""Map Settings""
  6.      Sequence=""502""
  7.      ContextualGroupId=""CustomContextualTabGroup"">
  8.   <Tab
  9.       Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample""
  10.       Title=""Bing""
  11.       Description=""""
  12.       Command=""CustomContextualTab.EnableCustomTab""
  13.       Sequence=""513"">
  14.     <Scaling
  15.       Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.Scaling"">
  16.       <MaxSize
  17.         Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.MaxSize""
  18.         GroupId=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample""
  19.         Size=""OneLargeTwoMedium""/>
  20.       <Scale
  21.         Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.Scaling.CustomTabScaling""
  22.         GroupId=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample""
  23.         Size=""OneLargeTwoMedium"" />
  24.     </Scaling>
  25.     <Groups Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.Groups"">
  26.       <Group
  27.         Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample""
  28.         Description=""This is a custom group!""
  29.         Title=""Configuation""
  30.         Command=""CustomContextualTab.EnableCustomGroup""
  31.         Sequence=""52""
  32.         Template=""Ribbon.Templates.CustomTemplateExample"">
  33.         <Controls  Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Controls"">
  34.           <Label
  35.                   Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.lblLongitude""
  36.                   Command=""CustomContextualTab.lblLongitude""
  37.                   LabelText=""Longitude""
  38.                   TemplateAlias=""cust1""
  39.                   Sequence=""11""
  40.                 />
  41.           <TextBox
  42.              Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Longitude""
  43.              Command=""CustomContextualTab.Longitude""
  44.              ToolTipTitle=""Longitude""
  45.              ToolTipDescription=""Please enter the Longitude.""
  46.              MaxLength=""512""
  47.              TemplateAlias=""cust2""
  48.              Image16by16=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_16X16.PNG""
  49.              Image32by32=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_32X32.PNG""
  50.              Sequence=""13""
  51.                     />
  52.           <Label
  53.                  Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.lblLatitude""
  54.                  Command=""CustomContextualTab.lblLatitude""
  55.                  LabelText=""Latitude""
  56.                  TemplateAlias=""cust3""
  57.                  Sequence=""16""
  58.                 />
  59.           <TextBox
  60.              Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Latitude""
  61.              Command=""CustomContextualTab.Latitude""
  62.              ToolTipTitle=""Latitude""
  63.              ToolTipDescription=""Please enter the Latitude.""
  64.              MaxLength=""512""
  65.              TemplateAlias=""cust4""
  66.              Sequence=""17""
  67.                     />
  68.           <Label
  69.                 Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.lblLatitude""
  70.                 Command=""CustomContextualTab.lblCIDLocation""
  71.                 LabelText=""Cid Location""
  72.                 TemplateAlias=""cust5""
  73.                 Sequence=""19""
  74.                 />
  75.           <TextBox
  76.              Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.CIDLocation""
  77.              Command=""CustomContextualTab.CIDLocation""
  78.              ToolTipTitle=""Cid Location""
  79.              ToolTipDescription=""Please enter the Cid.""
  80.              MaxLength=""512""
  81.              TemplateAlias=""cust6""
  82.              Image16by16=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_16X16.PNG""
  83.              Image32by32=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_32X32.PNG""
  84.              Sequence=""21""
  85.                     />
  86.           <SplitButton
  87.                           Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.MapStyle""
  88.                           Sequence=""23""
  89.                           Command=""CustomContextualTab.EnableMapStyle""
  90.                           Image16by16=""/_layouts/$Resources:core,Language;/images/formatmap16x16.png""
  91.                           Image16by16Top=""-32""
  92.                           Image16by16Left=""-192""
  93.                           LabelText=""Map Style""
  94.                           ToolTipTitle=""Map Style""
  95.                           ToolTipDescription=""Select the Map Style""
  96.                           TemplateAlias=""cust7""
  97.                           PopulateDynamically=""true""
  98.                           PopulateQueryCommand=""CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicMenuXml""
  99.                 >
  100.           </SplitButton>
  101.           <DropDown
  102.               Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Mode""
  103.               Sequence=""26""
  104.               Command=""CustomContextualTab.EnableMapMode""
  105.               PopulateDynamically=""true""
  106.               PopulateOnlyOnce=""true""
  107.               PopulateQueryCommand=""CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicModeXml""
  108.               QueryCommand=""CustomContextualTab.DoDynamicModeXml""
  109.               Width=""75px""
  110.               TemplateAlias=""cust8"" />
  111.           <SplitButton
  112.                 Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.Zoom""
  113.                 Sequence=""27""
  114.                 Command=""CustomContextualTab.EnableZoom""
  115.                 Image16by16=""/_layouts/$Resources:core,Language;/images/formatmap16x16.png"" Image16by16Top=""-32"" Image16by16Left=""-192""
  116.                 LabelText=""Zoom""
  117.                 ToolTipTitle=""Zoom""
  118.                 ToolTipDescription=""Zoom""
  119.                 TemplateAlias=""cust9""
  120.                 PopulateDynamically=""true""
  121.                 PopulateQueryCommand=""CustomContextualTab.GetDynamicZoomXml""
  122.                 >
  123.           </SplitButton>
  124.           <ToggleButton
  125.           Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.DashBoard""
  126.           Command=""CustomContextualTab.DashBoard""
  127.           Sequence=""28""
  128.           Description=""Would you like to enable the DashBoard?""
  129.           Image16by16=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_16X16.PNG""
  130.           Image32by32=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_32X32.PNG""
  131.           LabelText=""DashBoard""
  132.           TemplateAlias=""cust10""/>
  133.           <ToggleButton
  134.           Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.FixedMap""
  135.           Command=""CustomContextualTab.FixedMapCommand""
  136.           Sequence=""29""
  137.           Description=""Would you like to fix the Map?""
  138.           Image16by16=""/_layouts/GPSImages/Bing.png""
  139.           Image32by32=""/_layouts/GPSImages/Bing.png""
  140.           LabelText=""Fix the Map""
  141.           TemplateAlias=""cust11""/>
  142.           <Button
  143.             Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.LoadMap""
  144.             Command=""CustomContextualTab.LoadMapCommand""
  145.             Sequence=""31""
  146.             Description=""Load the Bing Map.""
  147.             Image16by16=""/_layouts/GPSImages/Bing.png""
  148.             Image32by32=""/_layouts/GPSImages/Bing.png""
  149.             LabelText=""Load Map""
  150.             TemplateAlias=""cust12""/>
  151.         </Controls>
  152.       </Group>
  153.     </Groups>
  154.   </Tab>
  155.   <Tab
  156.       Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab""
  157.       Title=""Google""
  158.       Description=""""
  159.       Command=""GoogleTab.EnableCustomTab""
  160.       Sequence=""505"">
  161.     <Scaling
  162.       Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.Scaling"">
  163.       <MaxSize
  164.         Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.MaxSize""
  165.         GroupId=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup""
  166.         Size=""OneLargeTwoMedium""/>
  167.       <Scale
  168.         Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.Scaling.CustomTabScaling""
  169.         GroupId=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup""
  170.         Size=""OneLargeTwoMedium"" />
  171.     </Scaling>
  172.     <Groups Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.Groups"">
  173.       <Group
  174.           Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup""
  175.           Description=""Google group settings""
  176.           Title=""Configuation""
  177.           Command=""GoogleTab.GoogleGroup""
  178.           Sequence=""52""
  179.           Template=""Ribbon.Templates.CustomTemplateExample"">
  180.         <Controls  Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.Controls"">
  181.           <Label
  182.                   Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.lblLongitude""
  183.                   Command=""GoogleTab.lblLongitude""
  184.                   LabelText=""Longitude""
  185.                   TemplateAlias=""cust1""
  186.                   Sequence=""11""
  187.                 />
  188.           <TextBox
  189.              Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.Longitude""
  190.              Command=""GoogleTab.Longitude""
  191.              ToolTipTitle=""Longitude""
  192.              ToolTipDescription=""Please enter the Longitude.""
  193.              MaxLength=""512""
  194.              TemplateAlias=""cust2""
  195.              Image16by16=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_16X16.PNG""
  196.              Image32by32=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_32X32.PNG""
  197.              Sequence=""13""
  198.                     />
  199.           <Label
  200.                  Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.lblLatitude""
  201.                  Command=""GoogleTab.lblLatitude""
  202.                  LabelText=""Latitude""
  203.                  TemplateAlias=""cust3""
  204.                  Sequence=""16""
  205.                 />
  206.           <TextBox
  207.              Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.Latitude""
  208.              Command=""GoogleTab.Latitude""
  209.              ToolTipTitle=""Latitude""
  210.              ToolTipDescription=""Please enter the Latitude.""
  211.              MaxLength=""512""
  212.              TemplateAlias=""cust4""
  213.              Sequence=""17""
  214.                     />
  215.           <Label
  216.                 Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.Center""
  217.                 Command=""GoogleTab.Center""
  218.                 LabelText=""Cid Location""
  219.                 TemplateAlias=""cust5""
  220.                 Sequence=""19""
  221.                 />
  222.           <TextBox
  223.              Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.Center""
  224.              Command=""GoogleTab.Center""
  225.              ToolTipTitle=""Center""
  226.              ToolTipDescription=""Please enter the Center.""
  227.              MaxLength=""512""
  228.              TemplateAlias=""cust6""
  229.              Image16by16=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_16X16.PNG""
  230.              Image32by32=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_32X32.PNG""
  231.              Sequence=""21""
  232.                     />
  233.           <SplitButton
  234.                           Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.EnableMapType""
  235.                           Sequence=""23""
  236.                           Command=""GoogleTab.EnableMapType""
  237.                           Image16by16=""/_layouts/$Resources:core,Language;/images/formatmap16x16.png""
  238.                           Image16by16Top=""-32""
  239.                           Image16by16Left=""-192""
  240.                           LabelText=""Map Type""
  241.                           ToolTipTitle=""Map Type""
  242.                           ToolTipDescription=""Select the Map Type""
  243.                           TemplateAlias=""cust7""
  244.                           PopulateDynamically=""true""
  245.                           PopulateQueryCommand=""GoogleTab.GetDynamicGoogleMapTypeXml""
  246.                 >
  247.           </SplitButton>
  248.           <DropDown
  249.               Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.Mode""
  250.               Sequence=""26""
  251.               Command=""GoogleTab.EnableMapMode""
  252.               PopulateDynamically=""true""
  253.               PopulateOnlyOnce=""true""
  254.               PopulateQueryCommand=""GoogleTab.GetDynamicModeXml""
  255.               QueryCommand=""GoogleTab.DoDynamicModeXml""
  256.               Width=""75px""
  257.               TemplateAlias=""cust8"" />
  258.           <SplitButton
  259.                 Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.Zoom""
  260.                 Sequence=""27""
  261.                 Command=""GoogleTab.EnableZoom""
  262.                 Image16by16=""/_layouts/$Resources:core,Language;/images/formatmap16x16.png"" Image16by16Top=""-32"" Image16by16Left=""-192""
  263.                 LabelText=""Zoom""
  264.                 ToolTipTitle=""Zoom""
  265.                 ToolTipDescription=""Zoom""
  266.                 TemplateAlias=""cust9""
  267.                 PopulateDynamically=""true""
  268.                 PopulateQueryCommand=""GoogleTab.GetDynamicZoomXml""
  269.                 >
  270.           </SplitButton>
  271.           <ToggleButton
  272.           Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.DashBoard""
  273.           Command=""GoogleTab.DashBoard""
  274.           Sequence=""28""
  275.           Description=""Would you like to enable the DashBoard?""
  276.           Image16by16=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_16X16.PNG""
  277.           Image32by32=""/_layouts/images/DATERANGELAST30DAYS_32X32.PNG""
  278.           LabelText=""DashBoard""
  279.           TemplateAlias=""cust10""/>
  280.           <ToggleButton
  281.           Id=""Ribbon.GoogleTab.GoogleGroup.FixedMap""
  282.           Command=""GoogleTab.FixedMapCommand""
  283.           Sequence=""29""
  284.           Description=""Would you like to fix the Map?""
  285.           Image16by16=""/_layouts/GPSImages/Bing.png""
  286.           Image32by32=""/_layouts/GPSImages/Bing.png""
  287.           LabelText=""Fix the Map""
  288.           TemplateAlias=""cust11""/>
  289.           <Button
  290.             Id=""Ribbon.CustomTabExample.CustomGroupExample.LoadMap""
  291.             Command=""GoogleTab.LoadGoogleMapCommand""
  292.             Sequence=""33""
  293.             Description=""Load the Google Map.""
  294.             LabelText=""Load Map""
  295.             TemplateAlias=""cust12""/>
  296.         </Controls>
  297.       </Group>
  298.     </Groups>
  299.   </Tab>
  300. </ContextualGroup>";
  302.         private string contextualTabTemplate = @"
  303. <GroupTemplate Id=""Ribbon.Templates.CustomTemplateExample"">
  304.     <Layout Title=""OneLargeTwoMedium"" LayoutTitle=""OneLargeTwoMedium"">
  305.       <Section Alignment=""Top"" Type=""TwoRow"">
  306.         <Row>
  307.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust1"" />
  308.         </Row>
  309.         <Row>
  310.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust2"" />
  311.         </Row>
  312.       </Section>
  313.       <Section Alignment=""Top"" Type=""TwoRow"">
  314.         <Row>
  315.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust3"" />
  316.         </Row>
  317.         <Row>
  318.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust4"" />
  319.         </Row>
  320.       </Section>
  321.       <Section Alignment=""Top"" Type=""TwoRow"">
  322.         <Row>
  323.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust5"" />
  324.         </Row>
  325.         <Row>
  326.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust6"" />
  327.         </Row>
  328.       </Section>
  329.       <Section Alignment=""Top"" Type=""OneRow"">
  330.         <Row>
  331.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Large"" TemplateAlias=""cust11"" />
  332.         </Row>
  333.       </Section>
  334.       <Section Alignment=""Top"" Type=""OneRow"">
  335.         <Row>
  336.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Large"" TemplateAlias=""cust12"" />
  337.         </Row>
  338.       </Section>
  339.       <Section Alignment=""Top"" Type=""TwoRow"">
  340.         <Row>
  341.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust7"" />
  342.         </Row>
  343.         <Row>
  344.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust8"" />
  345.         </Row>
  346.       </Section>
  347.       <Section Alignment=""Top"" Type=""TwoRow"">
  348.         <Row>
  349.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust9"" />
  350.         </Row>
  351.         <Row>
  352.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Medium"" TemplateAlias=""cust10"" />
  353.         </Row>
  354.       </Section>
  355.     </Layout>
  356.   </GroupTemplate>";
  358.         private string googleContextualTabTemplate = @"
  359.   <GroupTemplate Id=""Ribbon.Templates.GoogleTemplate"">
  360.     <Layout Title=""OneLargeTwoMedium"" LayoutTitle=""OneLargeTwoMedium"">
  361.       <Section Alignment=""Top"" Type=""OneRow"">
  362.         <Row>
  363.           <ControlRef DisplayMode=""Large"" TemplateAlias=""cust12"" />
  364.         </Row>
  365.       </Section>
  366.     </Layout>
  367.   </GroupTemplate>";
  369.         public string DelayScript
  370.         {
  371.             get
  372.             {
  373.                 string webPartPageComponentId = SPRibbon.GetWebPartPageComponentId(this);
  374.                 return @"
  375. <script type=""text/javascript"">
  377.             function _addCustomPageComponent()
  378.             {
  379.                 var _customPageComponent = new ContextualTabWebPart.CustomPageComponent('" + webPartPageComponentId + @"');
  380.                 SP.Ribbon.PageManager.get_instance().addPageComponent(_customPageComponent);
  382.             }
  384.             function _registerCustomPageComponent()
  385.             {
  386.                 SP.SOD.registerSod(""MapContextualTabPageComponent.js"", ""\/_layouts\/MapContextualTabPageComponent.js"");
  387.                 SP.SOD.executeFunc(""MapContextualTabPageComponent.js"", ""ContextualWebPart.CustomPageComponent"", _addCustomPageComponent);
  388.             }
  390.             SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(_registerCustomPageComponent, ""sp.ribbon.js"");
  392. </script>";
  393.             }
  394.         }
  396.         public WebPartContextualInfo WebPartContextualInfo
  397.         {
  398.             get
  399.             {
  400.                 WebPartContextualInfo info = new WebPartContextualInfo();
  401.                 WebPartRibbonContextualGroup contextualGroup = new WebPartRibbonContextualGroup();
  402.                 //WebPartRibbonContextualGroup googleContextualGroup = new WebPartRibbonContextualGroup();
  403.                 WebPartRibbonTab ribbonTab = new WebPartRibbonTab();
  404.                 WebPartRibbonTab googleRibbonTab = new WebPartRibbonTab();
  406.                 //Create the contextual group object and initialize its values.
  407.                 contextualGroup.Id = "Ribbon.CustomContextualTabGroup";
  408.                 contextualGroup.Command = "CustomContextualTab.EnableContextualGroup";
  409.                 contextualGroup.VisibilityContext = "CustomContextualTab.CustomVisibilityContext";
  411.                 //Create the tab object and initialize its values.
  412.                 ribbonTab.Id = "Ribbon.CustomTabExample";
  413.                 ribbonTab.VisibilityContext = "CustomContextualTab.CustomVisibilityContext";
  415.                 //Create the contextual group object and initialize its values.
  416.                 //contextualGroup.Id = "Ribbon.GoogleContextualTabGroup";
  417.                 //contextualGroup.Command = "GoogleContextualTab.EnableContextualGroup";
  418.                 //contextualGroup.VisibilityContext = "GoogleContextualTab.CustomVisibilityContext";
  420.                 ////Create the tab object and initialize its values.
  421.                 ribbonTab.Id = "Ribbon.GoogleTab";
  422.                 ribbonTab.VisibilityContext = "GoogleContextualTab.CustomVisibilityContext";
  424.                 //Add the contextual group and tab to the WebPartContextualInfo.
  425.                 info.ContextualGroups.Add(contextualGroup);
  426.                 //info.ContextualGroups.Add(googleContextualGroup);
  427.                 //info.Tabs.Add(googleRibbonTab);
  428.                 info.Tabs.Add(ribbonTab);
  429.                 info.PageComponentId = SPRibbon.GetWebPartPageComponentId(this);
  431.                 return info;
  432.             }
  433.         }

Code Snippet
  1. private void AddContextualTab()
  2.         {
  4.             //Gets the current instance of the ribbon on the page.
  5.             Microsoft.Web.CommandUI.Ribbon ribbon = SPRibbon.GetCurrent(this.Page);
  8.             //Prepares an XmlDocument object used to load the ribbon extensions.
  9.             XmlDocument ribbonExtensions = new XmlDocument();
  12.             //Load the contextual tab XML and register the ribbon extension.
  13.             ribbonExtensions.LoadXml(this.contextualTab);
  14.             ribbon.RegisterDataExtension(ribbonExtensions.FirstChild, "Ribbon.ContextualTabs._children");
  16.             //Load the custom templates and register the ribbon extension.
  17.             ribbonExtensions.LoadXml(this.contextualTabTemplate);
  18.             ribbon.RegisterDataExtension(ribbonExtensions.FirstChild, "Ribbon.Templates._children");
  20.         }
  22.         protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
  23.         {
  24.             base.OnPreRender(e);
  25.             this.AddContextualTab();
  26.             string webPartPageComponentId = SPRibbon.GetWebPartPageComponentId(this);
  27.             ClientScriptManager clientScript = this.Page.ClientScript;
  30.             clientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "ContextualTabWebPart", this.DelayScript);
  31.             SPRibbon currentRibbon = SPRibbon.GetCurrent(this.Page);
  32.             currentRibbon.MakeTabAvailable("Ribbon.CustomTabExample");
  33.             currentRibbon.MakeContextualGroupInitiallyVisible("Ribbon.CustomContextualTabGroup", string.Empty);
  35.         }

Following are links for your reference :-

Maps Interactive SDK

Bing Maps URL

About Navdeep Madan

Working as a sharepoint, web solution consultant
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1 Response to How to integrate the Bing Maps with SharePoint 2010?

  1. SHivam says:

    please send me the full code in rar format.
    it’s urgent

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